Daily High Temperatures
In June, temperatures reach 25 or 26°C on most days, with some days over 30°C. The sun is very strong at this time of year: remember that Fuerteventura is less than 100km off the coast of the Sahara Desert!
Nightly Lows
The average minimum temperature in June is 19.1°C, with some years averaging over 20°C at night. Some sheltered places in the South such as Morro Jable may be a little warmer at night, but there isn’t as pronounced a difference between localities as during winter and spring.
Fuerteventura Airport receives a median of zero rainy days in June! Even if it does rain, it is unlikely to be over 0.1mm. In recent years (long term stats unavailable), Morro Jable in the South has received more rain than the northern part of the island at this time of year (the south is drier during the rest of the year). It’s still nothing to worry about though, with less than half a millimetre over one or two days.
Cloud Cover
At the airport, there is usually only one overcast day during the entire month of June. However, other parts of the island may be cloudier. The Panza de burro cloud conditions can be predominant at this time of year – especially in the Western Canary Islands. These clouds affect the northern slopes of the islands, and in Fuerteventura, these clouds affect places such as Cofete, Corralejo or El Cotillo. This is especially so during the mornings, with the clouds often evaporating or ‘burning’ off by lunchtime.
The summer trade winds will usually have taken hold by June providing a constant North-easterly breeze. While not the windiest month (July and August are windier), you may want to find beaches that have some protection to the north-east if the wind bothers you. Also, be aware that the cooling breeze can prevent you from realizing that you are being burned by the sun!
The Canary Islands are occasionally affected by easterly winds bringing dust from the Sahara. Although this phenomenon is more common during the winter months, if it does happen in June, the temperatures can soar (high 30s Celsius).
Sea Temperature
The sea is starting to warm up again in the Canary Islands in June, but is still a refreshing 21°C and a few degrees colder than the peak in late September.
Click here for an overview of the weather and climate in Fuerteventura.
For accurate current temperature readings from Canary Islands Weather Stations, visit the Spanish State Meteorological service: Aemet
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