Daytime Highs
It will come as little surprise to most people that July is one of the warmest months of the year in Fuerteventura. Daily highs along the coast are in the upper 20s, with a long-term average daily high temperature of 27°C at the airport. Fortunately, the island is mostly spared the extreme high temperatures that places such as Andalusia in mainland Spain experience at this time of year. Coastal towns get an average of just 4 days with temperatures over 30°C, and 40°C is rare along the coast. Away from the sea, temperatures can be higher, and the all-time record high temperature for Fuerteventura was recorded in La Oliva in July 1994 (45.5°C).
Nighttime Lows
Temperatures at night drop to about 20 – 22°C in July, with a few warmer nights. This is the perfect temperature to sit outside at night in summer clothes, though you may want air-conditioning in your room if you are not used to the heat.
In a word: unlikely. On average, there is some light rain on one day during July once every 5 years or so.
July is the least cloudy month of the year on the island. There may be some days with thin cloud (that you’ll still burn under), and the north of the island may get some cloudy mornings, but it will be mostly sunny with some haze.
The trade winds are at their strongest in the Canary Islands at this time of year, and July is the windiest month. For this reason, it is a very popular time of year with Wind and Kite Surfers who can be seen in action at windy spots such as the Sotavento Lagoon. If you don’t like the wind, you can always seek out beaches that are sheltered from the North-east wind.
Sea Temperature
The sea temperature usually reaches 21 or 22°C at this time of year – and a little warmer in shallow water by the afternoon.
Although not very common at this time of year, if the wind does change to an easterly direction, then it can get very hot, with dust clouds blown across from the Sahara. This phenomenon is known in the Canaries as Calima (dust in Spanish).
Click here for an overview of the weather and climate in Fuerteventura.
For accurate current temperature readings from Canary Islands Weather Stations, visit the Spanish State Meteorological service: Aemet
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